Get acquainted with the possibilities intrinsic in automation!

In Hungary we owe the largest stock of premium quality hydraulic building blocks

of experience in industrial services; from the manufacture of unique single-purpose machines, through the design of automated machine lines up to their commissioning
Main activities
Machinery engineering
Jankovits Engineering is based on creativity, quality and sustainability. Since the manufacture of unique machines embedding engineering knowledge has become decisive, we provide our partners with comprehensive services from the creation of a concept to its realisation. We deem the tasks to be solved to be challenges and possibilities and in all cases we strive to implement the most perfect technical solutions. During the last 25 years more than 500 unique machine manufacturing projects have been implemented.
Read moreHydraulics
Our company has been designing and manufacturing hydraulic power supplies according to individual needs more than 30 years and energy saving, environmentally friendly technology just as increased service life has been key aspects during the preparation of these. Both custom-designed required for various industrial application and produced following the DIN/ISO standard cylinders are included in our product range.
Read moreAutomation
Possibilities intrinsic in automation ensure for all firms the improvement of their competitiveness as well as the growth of production and turnover indices. Our company accumulated experiences stemming from the design, construction and subsequent automation of almost 100 automatic machines, with which we strive to guarantee the satisfaction of our current and future customers.
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The basis of our trading activity is that we procure the best quality building blocks not only to machines manufactured by us but we ensure access to the same for our partners, too. We represent several multinational global firms engaged in manufacturing hydraulic machinery parts; our stores ensure immediate access to the bulk of our products. Members of our engineer-sales staff offer not only machinery parts for our buyers but rather complex solutions. Basic pillars of our customer-focused business policy are the wide scope of products, provision of comprehensive services and satisfaction of specific demands.
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How can we be of assistance for your enterprise?
- 25-year experience in industrial planning and manufacturing
- 1300 m² manufacture hall
- Team of enthusiastic, creative engineers
- State-of-the-art machinery
- 3D measuring room
- Premium parts, components
- Almost 500 successful projects
- Jankovits quality policy
Latest news
Our company, the Jankovits Engineering, which has already left 30 years behind, always particularly tried to offer qualitative service, still, the essential conditions of this are a good working community and the always necessarry relax outside the workplace which ensure …
New production hall at Jankovits Engineering
2018. november 28-án délelőtt felavattuk a Jankovits Engineering Kft. új üzemcsarnokát. Az ünnepségen Dr. Jankovits Richárd ügyvezető köszöntötte a résztvevőket, valamint Simon Róbert Balázs országgyűlési képviselő, Borkai Zsolt polgármester, és Szabó István Attila az EXIM vezérigazgató-helyettese mondott beszédet. Ezt követően …
We are „Reliable Employer” by AHK Ungarn
A Német-Magyar Ipari és Kereskedelmi Kamara (DUIHK) május 29-i taggyűlésén átvehettük a “Megbízható Munkaadó” megtisztelő címet, melyet pályázat útján nyertünk el.
Others about us

I may say that during our 25-year history, the Jankovits Engineering (Hydraulics) Kft. has given evidence of such level of confidence that could be compared only to the confidence level of Swiss watch manufactures. We are a heavy industrial – metallurgical plan with overly extending and very complicated manufacturing lines, where the circumstances of planning and on-site assembling produce extraordinary difficulties for hydraulic appliances and for technicians equally. As regards the appliances created by Jankovits Engineering I may say that they superbly operate even after 5-15-25 years.
Arconic – Köfém Kft.

As times passed, our relationship has become polychromatic, I could take part in their professional further education, could get acquainted with several activities from workbench to drawing board and came to contact with a professional community. I got acquainted with the founder of the firm, who whenever we met and still today radiates a mission coupled with creativity that could motivate the future of his enterprise. They always assured me about knowledge of professional tendencies globally, they are prepared to commit themselves to that and to this end they build relationships with education and research institutes. Within the professional community (from members of the manufacturing, assembling and troubleshooting staff to engineers) it could be observed that they solve their tasks always on the highest level of professional knowledge and, if necessary, they dare and are able to call for professional assistance.
Machine and Product Design Institute of the University of Miskolc