„The quarter century long history of our enterprise, the Jankovits Hidraulika, or as it is called to day Jankovits Engineering entwined with the life of our family. This anniversary compels me to raise some questions to myself.
Where did the intent come from back in 1992 that at the age of close to fifty I would become an entrepreneur?
What fed my courage when having 26 thousand forint in my pocket I said – I jump into it.
Why did my wife and our two kids believe that after a steady workplace we might live in uncertainty?
As I am trying to compose my answers, the image is depicted. The opportune moment had arrived, the possibility was there.
In 1957, as a mechanic apprentice in Apprentice School no. 400 in Győr I had no idea about the career I have opted for. In the railway car factory I could learn the way how an enterprise in the engineering industry operates, what jobs are held by people, what does production, market and work organisation mean. I had to learn what are managerial tasks, how to steer others and assume responsibility. I have spent three decades in the flagship factory of the contemporary Hungarian industry, in Győr.
I always wanted to know what could be solved more rationally, and how could that be done. Maybe this was the time when the breath of entrepreneurship touched me. I had the feeling that I have enough knowledge, experience; also, I recognised a promising market niche. Procurement, manufacture, renovation and servicing of hydraulic components were insufficient in those times. These circumstances struck the entrepreneurial spark in me. In April 1992 I became self-employed with three colleagues and very few money.
From a distance of 25 years I would say it was great boldness but there is no enterprise without risks. At that time I did not contemplate that, but rather listened to my inner intuition. I trusted my knowledge, expertise and persistence. It was very important that my family trusted me, too. In our history indispensable rolls were played by my professional and clever colleagues. Without them we could not grow to this level.
From a negligible micro enterprise engaged in the repair of hydraulic blocks we have become a partner of world leading firms. We deal with the planning, manufacturing and servicing automated unique machines.
We have become the second largest hydraulic component trading firm in Hungary. A shift in the main emphasis is indicated by the change in our name, decided in 2017. The Jankovits Engineering is based on creativity, knowledge and balanced growth. The tangible and intellectual assets are of equal value in our enterprise.
Although this story has been started by me, my wife joined the enterprise in the second year. My son is a co-manager for years now. My daughter is also among the owners and as a professional photographer she facilitates the firm’s marketing with her photos. The third generation is made up of our six grandkids. The history of our family enterprise – at least I hope so – will be written further.
The hitherto operation of our enterprise and its future development is properly summarised by our slogan: And the idea works!”
Jankovits István